Cloud Computing

2 min readMar 23, 2021

I was reading about this technology/service for a few months, so I thought to share my knowledge/understanding that I have made with this terminology.

The basic questions that might come into your mind are, what is cloud computing, why do we need it? We can manage our servers by ourselves, why should I invest my money in buying someone else’s servers for my business, etc, etc.

Cloud Computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications, and other IT resources. You can get the right type of computing resources at a very minimal price.

Let me take an example, you have made an application and you want people to access it across worldwide. The basic things you might need is Servers, a database, some networking services, caching, load balancing, etc. Now, you have two options, first one is, buy your own servers, set them up at your place, and manage all the wiring stuff. Another option is, you have to pay almost half of the price as you have spent previously on your local servers, and can manage all the services by your single computer/laptop.

This is what exactly AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc do. They own and maintains the network-connected hardware required for these application services, while you provision and use what you need via a web application.

Some major benefits of Cloud Computing:

  1. Omnipresence: It allows easy access to the functionality, trackable data, and transparency. It enables multiple users to work on the same project without any glitches. This, in turn, not only reduces cost but also builds a robust work model.
  2. Data Security: Data security is perhaps one of the most significant factors that keep business owners up at night. Cloud computing can help alleviate this stress. Though some might argue that its open platform and easy access can pave an easy way for hackers, it is challenging to waltz in the cloud territory. Heavy encryption of the files and databases can mitigate internal thread. They can be transferred without the chance of being hacked.
  3. Cost Reduction: One of the best benefits of cloud computing is its “pay-as-you-go” model, which doesn’t mandate you to invest a lump sum amount.
  4. Scalability: Scalability can be defined as the ability of the product to amplify its impact on the customers and meet the demands posed. Scalability is one of the most sought-after attributes of cloud computing that can help increase business.

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