My Generation Google Scholarship APAC 2021 experience

5 min readMay 29, 2021

This blog consists of my experience with the whole process of Google Generation APAC scholarship 2021. If you are preparing yourself for the same, do read it till the end. I have shared so many tips/advice.

What is Generation Google scholarship APAC?

This scholarship majorly focuses on women in computer science. It was established to help aspiring students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field. This scholarship gives 1000 USD and a tour to Google Headquarter, Singapore.

Visit here, for more details and eligibility criteria.

Before starting this blog, I would like to thank Vatsal Verma, who has helped me a lot in this journey.

This scholarship consists of three rounds:

  1. Essay Submission: In this round, you will be asked about your background, problems you have faced as women, etc. According to my experience, this one is the second most important round, after the interview one. Almost everyone I know, who applied, received the coding round link(i.e., the second round), but I think, they already selected students majorly on the basis of the first one.

Questions that they asked in this round (It is generally the same every year, with some modifications)

Q1. Please give us one example of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain what you were trying to achieve, your role, how you influenced others, and the impact as a result of your actions. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an effect on the members of the different communities you are a part of. Keep in mind, the example you choose does not need to be a formal or traditional leadership role.

  • Try to make your answer honest and real. Don’t boast about things you haven’t done. Try to elaborate on your experience, rather than copying someone else’s from the internet.
  • Mention the technologies that you have used and have impacted your life. Write about your before and after changes, how you have influenced someone, no matter, how small contribution it is.
  • If you have joined any college club/committee, you can write about that also. For example, how you have influenced other women, to participate in those activities? or what is the ratio of the boy: girl in your club? What was your role/action in improving this ratio?
  • You can write about some position you have been competing for, and how that position impacted your life, as well as other women’s.
  • You can write about your future plans also, like what you are trying to achieve and why.

Q2. What is a significant challenge that you believe women in the tech industry face and how do you see yourself as being part of the solution(s) to this challenge? Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales.

  • I would repeat my words again, DO NOT copy this from the internet, and don’t be too much feminist. Just write, what YOU are and what YOU feel.
  • You can elaborate on some of your experiences, that you might have faced in your college/school days, etc. The actions, you have taken, to improve the situation, etc.
  • Write about your future goal. For example, what you have planned to do for the women of our society.
You will receive this mail, after few days, for the next round

2. Google Online Challenge Round:

This round consists of two challenges:

  • General Cognitive Ability
  • Role-Related Knowledge(related to Programming, Computer Fundamentals, etc)

This round was easy, you can practice on GeeksForgeeks. It has a lot of relatable questions.

3. Video Conversation/Interview Round:

P.s: I was not selected in this round, so I will only share my experience for this one.

The day I received this mail, I just got too excited. I mean, I am having an interview with a #Googler in the second year, who doesn’t want that? 😍
If you have also received this mail, Congratulations! Only 10–20% of applications get selected. And you are among them. Well done girl.👍

After selecting the dates, I just got too nervous, as this was my first big interview. (Although, I have given some at the college level). Then, I searched a lot about people, who have received this scholarship already, asked them for a meet(virtual), many of them replied back, and gave me so much advice, that actually helped. I started giving mock interviews to my friends.

A whole week before the interview was amazing. I learned so many things, have talked to many women, most of them are working in big MNCs, few are in Google now. It was a whole new experience for me, to talk about their journey, how they achieved it. I improved my communication skills a lot. Practised in front of the mirror.

Now, the date came, my interview was scheduled in the afternoon slot, and I was just too nervous as well as excited.

My interviewer made me feel so comfortable. She asked me about my goals and visions.

I can’t share the exact questions here, but there were some basic questions that I have read online, like what is your future goal? what change can you make to the women community after receiving this scholarship, about the projects you have mentioned in your resume, etc.

After asking about the review for my interview, she told me to include more examples in my answers. So, you can try to elaborate your answers as well. Don’t make it too lengthy, but cover all the points that you want her/him to know, by including some good examples.

This was my whole experience. I got to learn so many things in these 7 days. Will definitely perform better in the next one.

You can ping me on LinkedIn for any tips/advice, I would love to help.

P.s: This is my first experience sharing a kind of blog, so any suggestions will be appreciated.

Connect with me through the portfolio link given in the bio.

